Performing Arts Grant Program Application

A complete application form consists of four sections as detailed below.

I. Cover Page

On the cover page, include the following information:

Project Title
Name of Organization
Project Budget Total
Total Grant Request
Organization’s Tax ID #
Physical Address
City, State, Zip
Mailing Address (if different)
City, State, Zip
Primary Contact Name & Title
Phone Number (extension)
E-mail Address
Project Budget Total
Total Grant Request
Proposed Schedule of Production Dates and Times
Estimated Total Attendance
Projected Ticket Sales
Physical Address of Performance Venue & Capacity


II. Grant Proposal Narrative

Attach a 2 – 3 page narrative that addresses the following criteria explicitly. Please use the same headings in your narrative as the criteria.



Vision and Mission of the Organization: Provide your organization’s vision and mission statement.

Brief History of the Organization:  Provide a brief history of the organization, including a select list of works produced over the past two seasons or cycles.



Project Description: Provide a description of the project that gives the who, what, why, where, when, and how of the project. Describe why the project is innovative. Who is the intended audience? What are the project goals?

Need/Opportunity: Describe the need or opportunity for this project in the local and/or regional community. Why does the project need to happen this year? What artistic, social, or political needs or opportunities does the project address?


Project Management

Management Plan and Timeline: Describe the plan to manage the realization of the project. Include a timeline of key activities and project milestones.

Marketing Plan: Describe the marketing plan for advertising the project and disseminating information on the organization. Include plans for digital as well as traditional marketing.


III. Project Budget

Line-item Budget: Provide a line-item budget for the entire project. The project budget should include projected expenses, current level of funding, and the sources of funds. In-kind contributions should be included at their current market value. If needed, we can provide a budget template.

Use of Grant Funds Justification: Describe how grant funds will be used. Will grant funds support the entire project or will they support only a component?

Additional Budget Information: Please provide any additional information regarding the project budget that is necessary to understand the project.


Supporting Documents

Attachment A: Résumés of key individuals: Please provide résumés of key individuals involved with the production and organization.

Attachment B: Production concepts/designs/scripts: Please provide copies or scans of scene designs, conceptual drawings, renderings, script samples, musical scores, etc., if available. Submitted items will not be returned.

Attachment C: Proof of eligibility and 501 (c)(3) designation: Attach a copy of your organization’s 501 (c)(3) designation letter. If the applicant does not have 501(c)(3) status, provide the provide information on the fiscal sponsor’s organization and a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the fiscal sponsor and the applicant or a formal letter from the fiscal sponsor that sanctions the project.

Attachment D: Recent 990 filing: If your organization’s most recent 990 filing is available on Guidestar check the ‘Yes’ box, otherwise attach your most recent 990 filing.

Attachment E: Annual budget: Include a copy of the applicant’s (or, if applicable, sponsoring agent’s) most recent annual budget.

Application Submissions

Completed applications and supporting materials should be emailed to  The subject line should include: ‘Grant Program Application:’ and your organization’s name (e.g., ‘Grant Program Application: Magic Ocelot Theatre Company’).